Thursday, February 19, 2009


Being a Head of department in brick laying and concrete practice (BCP) for a numbers of years i have noticed a lot of challenges in the department hence it retards the progress of the training. Some of this challenges are as below:-

Practical workshop

Here, there is no proper workshop for carrying out practicals as such when it rains trainees leave the practical site.
I would recommend for construction of practical workshop.

Lack of text books

This has a negative influence on the training in that, introduction of other lessons like Drainage,Arches and chimney works in both Technology and practicals become difficult.
So, there is a need for Technology and craft science text books.

Technical Drawing (TD )

This subject is not in use due to the following:-
  • No relevant text books for the subject
  • Lower education standard of trainees
  • Tools for drawing such as drawing board,computer.
There for, i would recommend for consideration of education standard of the new recruits, Purchase of drawing board and computer soft ware coled auto-cart

Brick/Block manufacturing

This is one of the most important area in which ,trainees should understand better how to manufacture, store and use molding machines like soil press machine, vent, Tile,blusters and King post moulders. There fore, there is need to have the above mentioned machines.

Job creation

Many graduands from the center end up not exercising their skills due to lack of proper system of job creation. I would recommend for the school to have a link with ministry of labor and public service and other construction companies.


So, the Brick laying and Concrete practice Unit and the center at large can prosper if the five( Ps) are considered that is, proper planning prevent poor performance.

1 comment:

  1. You have presented a list of significant issues each with an impact of the future of the Brick laying and Concrete practice Unit.

    What I'm missing in your post is which area of improvement you are focusing upon in your own practice.
